Never Let Them See You Sweat
Learn how real life patient, AW, stays dry:
It has changed my life!
How did you learn about Cellulaze for excessive sweating? "I had a sweat issue any time I was physically active and any time I got nervous or anxious. On a scale of 1-10, I sweat a 10. I used to completely soak through and ruin my shirt. I applied deodorant 3-4 times a day. Sweat took over my life; as a young woman it was hard to have to worry about it."
What were your pre-treatment expectations? "I was hoping it would solve my problem. I didn't think it would work right away, but I noticed an immediate change. I was anxious when I got home and should have been drowning in sweat, but I was completely dry!"
What was the procedure like? "I was awake and able to answer questions. From start to finish, it took less than an hour and didn't hurt at all. It was absolutely amazing, and the staff was exceptional."
How did you feel afterwards? "I had no downtime, and I don't have any scars. I did have to be careful lifting my arms, and I couldn't wear deodorant for a week. But, I didn't even need it! Since I don't sweat anymore, I just use deodorant once a day."
Are you happy with the results? "I am more than happy. Ecstatic. I no longer have to think about sweating. It changes everything. Now I don't have to worry about a sweaty, wet shirt or how to dry my underarms. It has changed my life!"